Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Frugal vs Clutter Free

Sometimes the two just don't mix well...

A perfect example is my hair dryer. 

My expensive hair dryer.

My $130 Chi hair dryer (which is actually a $180 hair dryer that I got a good deal on), it came with a diffuser, I have naturally straight hair, I permed it once and didn't really care for my tightly permed hair so I never used the diffuser.

We listed our house on the market and needed to clean out our cabinets, including the cabinet under the master bathroom sink and I ran across the never used diffuser to the expensive Chi hair dryer which had not been used in over 2 years so it was tossed.

Last month I got a body wave perm (which I love)...I no longer have a diffuser for my hair dryer.

I started my search with a Chi universal diffuser, $35 later it was delivered, it didn't fit my Chi hair dryer.

I literally lost sleep over this.

Thankfully the company took it back and fully refunded my money including shipping, whew!  So I tried a cheap universal diffuser that just slid on, well, it also slid off and would pop off while I was trying to dry my hair, so I returned that one too.  Finally Ulta had a universal diffuser that works, only $10! 

BUT, that could have been $10 I wouldn't have had to spend if I was not such a freak about getting rid of things that don't get used. 

I hate clutter but I hate wasting money.

That $10 will bother me and the next time I go to throw something away that I just might use again I will consider it a little longer and if it attaches to something I do use, I'll probably hold on to it.

Just a side note: The expensive hair dryer is a lesson in frugality itself...you see, I have thick hair, I was spending $20-$30 every 6 or so months on new hair dryers because I was burning up the motors drying my hair, this $130 hair dryer is 4 years old now and still going strong; so far it's saved me around $100.

1 comment:

  1. I agree!!! I get worked up too about 'throwing money away' :)- my hubby will encourage me to let it go but it's not that easy :)...thanks for being on blogfrog...your chidlren are cute! they look FUN!


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