Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Selects

I've decided to start "Sunday Selects" which will be a compilation of things from the past week I didn't get a chance to post about or things from the coming week that we are looking forward to.

From last week:
1. I am done with Christmas shopping!  I can now avoid the malls and stores until after New Years except for grocery shopping which I do during the week...YAY for avoiding crowded stores!
2. I met 2 of Zac's friend's parents over the weekend, it was nice, we hit it off pretty well.  I am having some second thoughts about moving out of this school, I'm sure I'll meet other parents but I also like the fact that this school has the highest test scores in the district. 
3. We are taking our house off the market on November 30th, with the idea that we will re-offer on the house on Chantilly around March 1st, I like that neighborhood, but I like most of our neighbors here too.  I'm really having 2nd thoughts about moving.  I just feel like if we were supposed to move, it would have happened by now.  So maybe in the time we have our house off the market, the house on Chantilly will sell and we won't have to worry about it.

The week to come:
1. I finally have my appointment with the Orthopedic Specialist, I am really worried that they will not do anything other than a steroid injection.  My knee is getting worse is some ways, it doesn't hurt as much to bend it but now it hurts to walk and it is very painful to walk up or down any steps.  The swelling is getting a lot worse also.
2. I need to do a lot of paint touch ups around the house and do a major house cleaning.  With having the house on the market and having to keep it uber clean for months, I got lazy and now really need to get back on track with cleaning on a more regular basis.
3. Santa is at the mall, this is the best Santa I've ever seen and the only Santa the boys have ever gotten their picture taken with, I think we'll go this week since Rachel needs to do her Thanksgiving grocery shopping and will probably be down this week we can beat the crowds!  I love beating the crowds!

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