Saturday, December 4, 2010


This past spring Jerry had nasal surgery to attempt to stop his very loud, very annoying snoring.  He had a deviated septum, which his doctor explained was actually flat so they fixed everything, cleaned everything out and sent him home.  He slept on the couch for a couple of weeks...the best sleep I had gotten in a long, long time and things seemed to be better.  He didn't snore, hallelujah!  Well, about a month or so ago, he began to snore again.  It's like he never had surgery.  He says I snore.  I don't know how he could know I snore when I spend most of the night awake listening to him snore.  Even if I do snore, it's positional, I move, even slightly and I stop.  He snores so loud, in any position.  He wakes himself up often but moves slightly then goes right back to sleep, snoring again.  He's sleeping in the recliner snoring right now.  It's annoying.  It gives me a headache.  I think he should go back to his ENT but he won't.  He says he already had surgery for it so there is nothing that can be done.  Oh contrare, I bet they could do the surgery and clean everything out again...I'm sick of not being able to sleep.  So today I bought some Tylenol PM, I'll sleep and he can get up and deal with whatever the boys need during the night.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain! My husbands snores so loud! He doesn't understand how annoying it is and it really disrupts my sleep. I recorded him several times to prove it and he still won't do anything about it. I have to sleep in the guest room alot just to get some good sleep. It's hard to function when you can't get a good nights sleep and then to see him well rested the next day drives me nuts! LOL! I don't think men get it. I tell hubby that he snores so loud that he's pulling the paint off the walls!!!


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