Sunday, December 19, 2010

One Week Post Op

I have been really amazed that the pain I was in before surgery is gone, completely gone.

The swelling is the only thing really keeping me down at this point; it feels like someone is torquing on my leg, twisting it, not really causing pain, just a lot of discomfort.

The first 2 days post op I couldn't really feel anything in my knee, which wasn't really a bad thing, but wasn't a good thing either.  Not feeling pain meant that I was bending my knee which was not good and is probably why I'm still swelling a lot now.

Yesterday I was at a family get-together and while I was sitting the entire time my leg was not elevated for the first time since I got home from surgery, when I got home my leg was very swollen and a bit painful, some ice and some time with the Tens machine and all was better.

I was standing for about an hour today wrapping gifts and the swelling was horrible and that did cause a lot of discomfort again.  I've been keeping it elevated for the rest of the day and it's helped.  I have to give up my ice machine on Tuesday so I'm trying to get used to not relying on it all day.

I am supposed to use crutches until I can walk without pain or a limp.  I cannot walk without a limp because of the swelling.  I cannot bend my knee because of the swelling.  So the crutches are still a must.  I did try not using them around the house this morning and it was ok for a little while, but I had a very prominent limp while trying to get around but at least I was able to carry things from one room to another.  Again, I wasn't in pain, just uncomfortable and knew I was going to pay for not using the crutches in the form of swelling.

I was not sent home with any exercises to loosen up the muscles, in fact I was told to not bend my knee if I could help it, I really can't bend it past about 15 degrees anyway because of swelling and tightness.  I get the stitches out on Tuesday and will find out if I need to go to physical therapy or not.  One place that is painful is my calf, I'm not sure why, maybe because of the way I've been walking or standing.  Also the side of my knee, I was told the doctor did not cut the tendon so I'm not sure why it's so painful on the side, but it's not painful to bend just to touch.

One thing I am surprised with is that if I was told I had to have this surgery every 18 months to relieve the pain I was in prior to surgery (assuming the pain came back like it does with some people) I would do it in a heartbeat!  I am amazed that the pain is gone.  Sure there is discomfort from swelling and the crutches are annoying and I'm not even sure how long until I'm fully recovered but it's been worth it so far.

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