Monday, August 30, 2010

Successful Open House?

How is success measured with an open house? Is it just sheer number of people who showed up? Is it how many (if any) offers are, well, offered? I don't know.

In my opinion our first open house a week ago Sunday was somewhat successful because a few people showed up to look at the house and no one had anything negative to say about the house. The 2nd open house, yesterday, was even more successful because more people showed up...apparently, a lot more people. There were 2 very, very interested families. One was a newly wed couple, not looking to make any changes up front but they run a seasonal business so they may not be able to get the financing...but there probably would not be a contingency for selling another property to get into this one. The 2nd family was a couple who just finished remodeling another home which they leased and were talking about putting in stainless appliances, granite counter tops and so on...again, probably no contingency and likely to get financing without a problem. The only negative comment was about "Red Neck Bob", the neighbor to the west of us...the inconsiderate dweebs were out 4 wheeling during our open house...come on, we had signs out, there was traffic into/out of our drive's obvious, you can't wait until after 4pm to ride the dang thing. They don't ride them often, which is good, but their timing to ride them yesterday was horrible. Whatever. Our fingers are crossed for an offer from at least one of the two interested parties.
So we wait.

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