Saturday, May 22, 2010

Whose idea was this whole T-Ball thing anyway????

So through the YMCA, since we are members, the boys can play several sports for free, one of which is t-ball. So for some reason I signed up both boys, Kaleb for blast ball and Zac for t-ball. We had a parent's meeting last Tuesday and the day before that got a call from the Y saying that Zac's team didn't have a coach and would we be willing since they cannot play if they do not have one. We stalled hoping someone else would volunteer but the day of the meeting came and no one had so Jerry said he'd do it. We found out that game days were Tuesday and Thursday, Zac plays every Tuesday at either 5:30, 6:30 or 7:30 and Kaleb will play on either Tuesday or Thursday at 5:30 or 6:30. When Jerry signed up his team for practice I noticed that Kaleb's coach had not yet signed up for a practice time, we could not sign up for Tuesday since that is their game day and the only other times left were Wednesday at 7:30, Thursday at 7:30 or 2 Friday spots for 5:30 and 1 for 7:30. Not wanting to be out all night we chose a Friday 5:30 time, so we're already up to 3 days a week we have to be at the ball field. I cannot get a hold of Kaleb's coach and have a feeling he forgot he signed up or something so I still have no idea when he practices but since there were so few choices left I have a gut feeling he chose Wednesday which will mean we have to be at the ball field 4 days a week every week starting next week until the last week of July. Why did I do this??? I'm sort of hoping the boys decide they don't want to play after this season (even during this season!) so we can stop this madness!

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