Tuesday, April 6, 2010

No more 2 year olds...

Kaleb turned 3 yesterday.
He seems like a little boy, not even like a toddler.
Last year at this time he was still in diapers, did not talk and still had lids on his drink cups.
He's now been potty trained for about 10 months, hasn't used a lid on a cup at home since last fall and talks so clearly it's amazing.
He spent 2 days singing Happy Birthday to himself, which was extremely cute.
He let his upset big brother help him open his presents because he is so compassionate he'll make you say "awwww" several times a day.
He even 'gave' gifts to his little friend at his party so he wasn't left out.

I am very happy with where we are developmentally with the boys, they are pretty independent, but still need mommy and daddy several times a day; they love going to school but can't wait to see mommy and daddy each day; they are pretty good problem solvers when they play but still want mommy and daddy to tell them things are going to be okay when one gets upset. I dread that this stage won't last long enough...I keep thinking about where we'll be next year and the next year and the next year; wondering what the boys will be like each year, how they'll change in so many ways. I'm not by any means wishing away the time we're at right now, or hoping the future will come faster - no, definitely not hoping time goes by faster. On one hand I can't wait to see who the boys' will grow up to be but on the other hand I don't want to leave this time behind us.

In just 2 short months Zac will be 5! I cannot believe he will be 5! I keep thinking of kids I've known at that age and it doesn't seem possible that he will be 5!

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