Tuesday, January 17, 2017

An update is probably in order...

In the span of about 30 days I saw nearly my entire family! Now for most people that would be quite a feat most likely, but when you consider my family lives on both the east and west coast and in the middle states, well, that's just amazing and not likely to happen again in such a short amount of time. I didn't actually get to see Uncle Geoff and Uncle Richard but I did see mom, Aunt Diane and Uncle John in December 2016

The Chaney family on New Year's Eve 2016 (including Dalton via face time since he was deployed)

 The boys and I went to California for Christmas 2016

So the cousins got to spend some time together

And in November 2016, just before Thanksgiving the boys and I went to Connecticut to meet up with dad and visit the Robichaud side of the family.

We got a new dog about a year and a half ago. She is a mini husky (though she got bigger than I expected). She is very sweet, we got her when she was about 4 months old. She is very floppy too. And sheds. Alot. Her name when we got her was Rizzo, I didn't like it so now she is Shiloh.

Kaleb has finished his 2nd year of football. He loves the game and everything about it. Year 3 will be here so quickly.

Memere turned 98 in December 2016. I loved visiting with her and wish I lived closer. She is still so mentally there it is awesome. She went bowling for her 98th birthday, cause why not?!

No more patrol car in the driveway since Jerry is now on long term disability :(

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