Even if they think they are open-minded. I've never really had a stance on the working mom/ stay at home mom debate. Each has their place and their good points and bad points. I've been both, I've worked out of the home, in the home and currently am strictly a stay at home mom.
I have come to realize that people I used to count as friends who do work outside the home and always said they accepted SAHMs the same as WMs are liars. If someone is appreciative of having the opportunity to SAH they'll either blast them or totally ignore them, how petty and juvenile. These particular WMs think all mom's should want to work and feel a need to work and feel totally underachieving and ashamed if they choose to stay home because 'what happens if they get divorced or their husband loses their job.' Hmm. Well, I have more faith in my marriage than to have a contingent in place in case my marriage fails, that's like saying you don't believe in God except in case it's true that when you die if you don't believe in God you'll be in purgatory or hell so in that event you'll believe. And what if Jerry does lose his job, well, I'm educated and I have a ton of experience so we could both look for a job at the same time. I see no reason to work just to work. I enjoy my kids. BTW, these same WMs will tell you in a heart beat that they would never stay home with their kids even if they did have the opportunity, how sad, how horrible for their children...why the hell did they even have children?!?
I am appreciative of the opportunity to be able to stay at home with my kids and I worked DAMN HARD to be able to get here. At times I worked 4 jobs at once. I've had to put Zachary in night care so I could work nights, then I stayed up with him all day and had to go back to work that night, I was living on less than 4 hours of sleep a day to provide for him and our family. There are no great daycare options around. There are some 'this daycare will do if it has to' daycares around but why the hell do I want to spend $1000 a month to have someone else watch my kids when I can do it myself? I enjoy my children (even when they do stress me out). I see no reason to end up spending more than I make working in gas, lunches out, work clothes, dinner out because I'm too exhausted to cook, and of course the ever rising price of daycare. I was only getting about 30 minutes of free time after work with the kids after dinner and bath was done then with all the errands that had to be run on the weekends we had very few chances to spend time together and make memories.
So to these working moms who think they are better than any stay at home mom could ever be...pbththththth!
I walked a mile in WMs and SAHMs shoes, I've succeeded at both, I've enjoyed both and I've struggled with both. For now SAHM is what I do and I love it. In a couple years I'll be a WM again and I'm sure I'll love it too.
How sad for people to judge those they don't understand, or project a hatred to cover jealousy in either not having the opportunity to SAH or enjoying staying at home when they did have the chance.
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