Sticker charts.
Dry Erase charts.
Magnetic Charts.
iPhone app charts.
Computer charts.
Spread sheets.
Some work for a few weeks but then I either stop using them or the boys don't care any more.
I need something that is changeable since each week different chores are needed.
I need something simple that the boys can understand.
I need something visual so the boys can remember what they need to do.
So I came up with this:
I already have the paper.
I already have the pens.
The boys get to mark off what they complete.
The boys get to see that mommy and daddy have chores too.
I can have all new chores next week for everyone.
I can change the chores as seasons change (mowing the lawn for instance).
So far.
And yes, my 6 3/4 year old does his own laundry with supervision (mostly adding detergent). He puts his clothes in the washer, moves them from washer to dryer, takes them out of the dryer and folds everything and puts it away in the correct drawers except shirts which I help him hang and put on the rod in his closet since he can't reach it yet (and probably won't be able to reach it for a few more years).
The 8 1/2 year old does it too but he can reach all his stuff.
So I get this question a lot.
"How do you get your kids to __________."
My response is usually something like:
"They get a choice?"
"I don't give them a choice."
"I'm the parent."
"I make the rules."
"They are old enough to be contributing members of this household."
I am lucky that my kids sometimes enjoy cleaning (seriously I have NO idea where they get that!) But it doesn't mean it all goes smoothly. There can be a lot of yelling on chore day. Or any day I tell (notice I didn't say ask - because they DON'T get a choice) them to do something.
I'm also asked about other parents and my kids.
My response is usually something like this:
"I'm broke."
"My kids get food, a bed, clothes and every other necessity they can imagine; plus extras like cub scouts and baseball."
"My kids have so much crap they don't need a few dollars a month to spend on more crap."
---Side note: yes my kids have savings accounts. Yes we put money in their accounts when they get it for birthdays or holidays. Yes I am teaching my kids how to budget. I don't need to spend money on paying them to live in our house to teach that. Besides at the rate they are losing teeth they are breaking the bank anyhow.
"I believe kids need to learn how to be a contributing member of a household and thus a community without a reward attached."
I refuse to be a parent who says "If you do ____ I'll give you ____."
In my family I say "You need to _____."
Kid: "Why?"
Me: "Because it needs to be done and you are fully capable of doing it."
Kid: "Why can't _____ do it?"
Me: "Because I told you to do it. The discussion is over, if you'd like to argue or complain go lay on your bed and come out when you are more pleasant and do it."
Lately I get more "Yes ma'am"s than the argument which is nice.
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