"Our government needs more middle class moms who can fully provide for a family of 4+ on under $50k a year (pre tax), own a home, a car and not be in debt up to their eyeballs; so say credit score of 770+ cause I can guarantee not one of the people in our government right now would qualify! If they can't live my life & balance my budget there is no way in hell they can balance the national budget."
For future reference today would be the day the government shut down because Senate, Congress, President, whoever...couldn't get their acts together to come to an agreement and put a budget together. So service members are not being paid, they are still fighting, their families are still sacrificing and I would hope the utility companies and creditors are compassionate to their plight. Hundreds of thousands of workers are furloughed and not being paid, they will get paid eventually, when these overpaid asses in the Senate, Congress or whatever stop falling over their narcissistic selves and put someone else first and come to an agreement. Oh they'll still take their fully paid spring break of course, and yes they are still being paid their full pay. Gas prices keep rising. The economy keeps slipping. But the rich asses on the hill don't care, they don't care because it really doesn't affect them. It never has. But all the while, taxes are still being taken out of every American's paycheck a lot of it being sent overseas for God knows what...can we please keep it here and fix this country first? Take a look at that line item in the not yet passed budget and see how many billions they are wanting to send out of this country....how much good could we do right here, or save right here? Let's fix US...U.S. 1st.